Featured Image by Teige Zeller

“The world is big and I want to have a good look at it before it gets dark.” ~ John Muir

Getting to see the world is obviously a huge reason why so many of us travelers love to travel. There is a big, vast and beautiful world out there with mountains and valleys, rivers and lakes, oceans and deserts, chickens and steaks . . . okay, the poet inside got a little carried away there, but you get my point. There is always something else to see; somewhere else to go; someplace new to experience.

I will admit, playing basketball is really what has given me the opportunity to see so much of the Unites States, but I thank my parents for the opportunity of over-seas experience and passing the travel bug on to me the second I was born. There are a few new and different places I grew up in. Here are 5 of my favorites – even if 3 out of 5 I was much too young to remember – I’m sure I thought they were pretty great!:

5 Great Places to Live - Infographic

Piktochart by Teige Zeller

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