Featured Image by: Me

“Embrace uncertainty. Some of the most beautiful chapters in our lives won’t have titles until much later.” ~ Bob Goff 

Today’s U.S. Date: 1-2-19 . . . Today’s Australian Date: 3-1-19

We made it to the land of Aus! From now on, we will be driving on the right side of the car, the left side of the road, and writing the date totally backwards and into the future, but we are embracing every little change!

Our strategy to avoid jet lag worked until about 7 o’clock pm when I could simply not keep my eyes open. But I’d say we had a pretty fun first day in Adelaide. We arrived around 9:30am. The director of the club I’m playing for met us at the gate (Apparently, here in Australia anyone is allowed to come all the way up to the arrival gates, which was different for us!) and took us straight to his house where we’ll be staying for the next two weeks until we find our own place. We met his kids – also our three tour guides for the day – and, after unpacking and taking a nice warm shower, we went to explore the neighborhood and have our first shot at driving on these foreign streets.

David did great for his first day of driving – aside from putting the windshield wipers on instead of his indicator a few times! And I will be waiting until there are no longer three young kids in the backseat that we’re responsible for!

We stopped at the local grocery store/mall, Woolworths Arndale. And that’s where we discovered a life changing invention – cookies ‘n cream KitKats! Yeah! I know! Sounds amazing, right? Definitely something I’ve never seen in America before. But then it gets even better… There’s also mint KitKats, and caramel pretzel KitKats, and I think a whole array of others! No uncertainty here – I am embracing this change with open arms! (Stay tuned for a foodie blog on Australian finds!)


Cookies and Cream KitKats were the first chocolates to catch my eye in Australia.


As you can imagine, we were getting a little hungry after looking at all the good food, so we decided to stop back at home for lunch and then head out to explore the beach area, which was only a 20 minute drive! I am so pumped to be so close to the ocean! The Australian coast is gorgeous too! The water was clean, clear and the perfect temperature for swimming! And unlike any beach I’ve been to in America, it was actually not crowded at all!

Although we’re not completely settled just yet, and there are lots of uncertainties in our minds, I already know we’re going to love it here – just another beautiful chapter in the making!


Our beautiful view for the next two weeks – the Australian sunsets are gorgeous!


Joyful Jot

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