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“Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to Him be glory . . .” Ephesians 3:20-21


Me and David on the airport shuttle to our gate.

After a 4:30 start to the day, David and I made it early enough to the San Francisco airport to explore the terminal and discover their yoga room. Yeah! That’s what we said… A yoga room?! It’s actually very cool. We walked in to a long empty room with wood floor, two benches adjacent to one wall, and a mirror all along the other. There were yoga matts (very nice thick ones I may add), cushions, blocks, and a foam roller. God certainly knows the desires of our hearts, because I was wanting to bring David’s mom’s foam roller to San Francisco with us, so I could roll out before the long day (or two) of flying, but I completely forgot. God had better plans, so David and I took full advantage of that beautiful empty room; stretching, rolling out, and simply being in God’s presence and praying over our trip and the adventures of the new year ahead!



David, knowing he won’t have it for another nine months, happily eats his Chik-fil-A meal at the DFW Airport.

We had a six-hour layover in Dallas, but it was worth the last American meals of Chick-fil-A and Applebee’s! And now we are sitting on the 17-hour flight to Sydney, Australia where we will wait another few hours till we land at our final destination of Adelaide, Australia! They served us a great dinner on this plane and the food on the rest of the menu looks delicious as well.

Right now we are just going back and forth between reading/writing/studying and trying to keep ourselves awake with movies on the backseat screens so as to beat the time change, and avoid jet lag as much as possible.


On our flight to Australia there were screens on the back of the seat, mainly for entertainment, but also for the option to view the flight path at any time. This is one of my favorite features on these flights!

I still can’t quite believe we’re going to Australia… it’s like David said though, “We’re not just going to Australia, we’re moving to Australia!” And being that it is “we” is the real special part; I’m experiencing the world with my absolute favorite person in the world! Crazy… I’m so in awe of how much God blesses obedience to Him. He truly has done immeasurably more than I could ever have asked or imagined!

Here’s to a great 2018 and an even better 2019 up ahead!



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