Featured Image By: Me

“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you, because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places.” ~ Roald Dahl

It’s so much fun visiting home after being gone for a while; your family usually takes some time off work to make sure they spend time with you, and you all tend to become tourists in your own country! The question is always asked – what can we do while we’re here?

Well, a year ago now, when we came from Australia and spent the month of September in America, we discovered a few hidden gems that might not get the publicity they deserve, but that, I believe, you definitely should know about!

Apple Hill, CA


David’s mom, Lee-Ann, is an expert gardener, and when apple season comes around, she is nothing short of an apple specialist, enthusiast, connoisseur, and whatever other adjective you can think of. She is the Apple Queen! I still remember the first time I tasted her home-made apple sauce. I had never been a huge fan of apple sauce in the past, but I think I fell in love after that first bite. After expressing my affection for her incredible creation, Lee-Ann told me she made apple sauce every year from the fresh apples she bought from Apple Hill; explaining that a trip (or multiple trips) to Apple Hill was a requirement each fall.


“Whaaat? What is this Apple Hill you speak of?” I wondered…

Apple Hill is a community of family farms located in the Western Sierra Foothills of El Dorado County, California. It has expanded over the last 50 years from just 16 apple ranches to an array of attractions including different fruit orchards, wineries, breweries, flower gardens, Christmas tree farms, and pop-up markets. Of course, the apples are the main attraction as people from all over the world flock to taste the famous apple pies, apple crumpets, apple turnovers, apple donuts, caramel apples, apple cider, apple brownies, apple butter, apple salsas; you name it – Apple Hill’s got it! It didn’t take much to talk us into going, so when we visited Reno for a few weeks last September, we made sure the two-hour drive to Apple Hill was at the top of our list!

Usually the best time to go is in October, but we enjoyed not having to worry about parking, crowds and long lines to taste an apple pie!

We first stopped to explore a pop-up market in High Hill Ranch, which led us to the High Hill Ranch Bakery for lunch. David’s dad, Bob, went straight for a slice of apple pie, while the rest of us ate the delicious turkey sandwich with a side of fries.

We perused the High Hill Ranch Market where Lee-Ann normally purchases her boxes of apples, and then we went on to explore the rest of the area.

One of our main stops was Apple Ridge Farms, which had lots to explore outside for kids like the Hay Maze, Pumpkin Patch, and Photo Ops (which us big little kids can’t resist!), and a delicious bakery! This is where we all got a taste of the apple turnovers, strudels, caramel apples and the incredible homemade apple pie.


Another stop was Rainbow Orchards – Home of the Hot Apple Cider Donut! Which was sadly not available during our visit! But, we still got a taste of their Apple Crisp with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Yumm… This place is also set up to have you enjoy your delightful apple product on the picnic tables in the orchard; a very serene and lovely setting.

Bodhaine Apple Ranch has a similar set up with a cottage-style bakery. We chose the frozen Sour Cream Apple Pie to take home and bake ourselves. But what really got my mouth watering was the raspberry apple cream cheese pie and the apple pecan pie! (I told you; the combinations are endless at Apple Hill!)

Our last and final stop before heading back to Reno, was Boa Vista Orchards. The market here is incredibly vast and Lee-Ann and I couldn’t help but take a peek at the annual outdoor Arts and Crafts Fair to peruse the handmade jewelry.

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Admiring the orchards through the car window, I reminisced on the very satisfying day; so happy we came! My stomach was pretty happy too, as I ate my carefully selected pastry for the road; what else but a perfectly baked apple fritter?!

If you’ve never been to Apple Hill, you don’t know what you’re missing! As they’d say over there, “Ya’ll come!”

Ski Apache and Ruidoso


While in The Land of Enchantment – a.k.a. New Mexico – where we stayed with my parents in Los Lunas for a few weeks, they wanted to show us their newly discovered hiking trail at Ski Apache. Apparently, as New Mexico’s southernmost ski area, Ski Apache is geographically positioned to have the best skiing weather in North America with over 15 feet of snow annually. Thankfully, we did not go during ski season, but we certainly got a great workout in climbing the trail to the top – even struggling through an area of snow at one point! We were rewarded with the incredible view from 11,500 feet elevation. Here you can see “El Malpais” lava beds, which is the site of the first atomic bomb explosion; and the Capitan Mountains, which is the home to Smokey Bear. On top of that, we got the peaceful ride down the “Gazebo” – New Mexico’s only passenger gondola.

From there we made a 30-minute drive to Ruidoso – the town that holds so many of my fondest childhood memories! My family went on frequent camping trips in Ruidoso while I was growing up, and we couldn’t let David miss out on this hospitable little village when we were that close.

We walked up and down main street and had to stop into my favorite candy shop that we’d always visit when I was a kid. It wasn’t candy we wanted though – it was the fudge! Only this time, we were a bit late and it had just closed. But we decided we wouldn’t let that turn our blue skies grey and went for the frozen yogurt shop across the street instead! Chill Out by Simple Sugars is a new venue of Ruidoso, but it definitely gets the Joyful JoT stamp of approval.


If you like the outdoors, and rustic charm of a small town, the combined trip to Ski Apache and Ruidoso is just for you!

Riverbend Hot Springs – Truth or Consequences, New Mexico

IMG_6453Yes, it is a strange name, I know, and it’s also not a town that would normally make any list, but the Riverbend Hot Springs is what puts T or C on the map!

Hot Springs are a hot commodity these days, but I had never actually experienced one before coming across the Riverbend. It was David’s birthday and we like to accumulate memories rather than stuff, so on our way back to Los Lunas from visiting friends in Las Cruces, we made reservations at the Riverbend Hot Springs. I think it was one of our favorite birthday memories to date!


The Riverbend Hot Springs is a resort strategically located on the banks of the Rio Grande – a major river of southwest United States and northern Mexico. All you have to do is simply go online, choose your venue, and book your visit! You can choose between the public or the private pools. If you decide to stay overnight you have access to the public pools, all common areas and a discounted rental of a private pool session. Private pool sessions are 50 minutes, but consecutive sessions can be reserved and it is very decently priced!

We chose the deluxe private pool called Navajo. When you arrive, you simply check in with the front office attendant, rinse off in the provided showers, and sit in the waiting area until your time comes. The ambiance is almost sacred with Native American flute music playing softly in the background, and no one allowed to speak over a whisper.

The attendant greets you in the waiting area, shows you to your completely private pool, and you are left all to yourself (and whoever you’re with, obviously). For David and I, it was simply, heaven! It was so relaxing, rejuvenating, peaceful, and, even though 50 minutes is honestly all you need, we could have stayed there forever!

But I’m telling you, you do NEED this in your life!

Pendaries Village and Golf Resort

IMG_6486My dad, Coach Marty Zeller, was generously provided two vouchers for an overnight stay and one round of golf at the Pendaries Village and Golf Resort. He knew David and I like to play golf, so he generously invited us to come along with him and my mom, Gael, while we were in New Mexico. “Well…” we said, “if you insist!”

Pendaries is located in the Rociada Valley just north of Las Vegas, New Mexico. Surrounded by breathtaking mountain views, gorgeous wildlife, and the smell of fresh air and green pine trees. As we were driving in, we knew we had arrived at one of New Mexico’s best kept secrets!

We found our rooms in the Pendaries Lodge, rustically designed to capture and bring in the beauty of the outside; all the while never taking away from the natural setting. And since we arrived right before dark, we decided to take a walk to see the area and the sunset on the gorgeous valley. We were also pleasantly surprised to come across a family of deer who trotted across the dirt path into the vacation-home properties.


After our walk we headed into the Moosehead Bar and Restaurant for some Stacked Cheese Enchiladas and Pendaries Smothered Burritos with the famous New Mexico green chili. Yes, please!

Food commas combined with a night of playing card games and we were ready for some shut-eye. Our beds were super cozy and we woke up nice and rested for a full day’s worth of golfing! We redeemed our golf vouchers at the Pro Shop, grabbed a green chili breakfast burrito from the 19th Hole Snack Bar and off we went striving to conquer the course ahead. Well, aside from not having the best scores of our lives, I’d say it was an enjoyable endeavor and a very successful trip!

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I can’t believe it’s been a year now since visiting America and making all these fun memories. It only seemed right to write about them, since we can’t really go home and make more with the COVID infestation going on.

We must stay hopeful, though, and watch with glittering eyes the whole world around us, because, just as a great secret being hidden in the most unlikely of places; blessings can be hidden in the most unlikely of circumstances.

A blessing in disguise, as they say!

Thanks so much for reading! If you like this post, follow me on Instagram and Twitter, or like my page on Facebook!


Joyful Jot