Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

Psalm 91:1

3009 N. Elm Street

That was my address growing up in Roswell, New Mexico from the age of 4 to 11. It’s also a residing place that holds some of my fondest childhood memories; from riding down our long driveway on our scooters into the flooded corner street, to Summer lemonade stands and car washes; from front yard football games with my brothers, to working on post moves late into the night; from tea parties to art projects, from Sunday morning pancakes, to family dinners every night. There really aren’t many bad memories for me there. Maybe a timeout or a spanking when my brothers and I deserved it; maybe even being forced to practice piano for 15 minutes – which, today I heavily regret not confiding to!

I remember being busy with piano lessons, soccer, swimming, volleyball, tennis, track and, yes, of course basketball; church on Sundays and youth group on Wednesdays. I even somehow excelled in all my dance classes throughout the week, which consisted in ballet, tap, jazz, Irish, and Cicchetti – and that was just me. How my parents managed me and my three brothers, while still letting us be kids, I will never know.

There is no doubt, God worked miracles through them!

One such miracle, I vividly remember, involves a man holding up my dad with a knife right in front of my eight-year-old eyes.

On top of everything I’ve already mentioned, somehow my parents managed to get the whole family involved with selling Fireworks twice a year. Leading up to 4th of July and New Year’s Day in America, big firework tents and stands can be seen in just about every major parking lot and my family could always be found in one.

On one particular winter night, my eight-year-old-self chose to stay and help my dad close up the New Year’s firework stand. As I stood taking inventory and organizing the fireworks to look aesthetically pleasing to our customers the next day, my dad was around the back taking down the lights. It was around 11pm when a man came around the front. I greeted him and said,

“One sec, I’ll just go get my dad for you!” and went quickly out the stand’s side door.

I followed my dad back in as he stepped into the stand and began to explain we were just about to close up for the night,

“Can I help you with anything in particular?” he asked.

By that time, I turned my back, proudly reverting back to my duties of stacking the “Purple Fountains” that had fallen out of formation. Next thing I hear is,

“Hell yeah – you can give me your f****** money!”

I spun around to find this man holding a knife up to my dad’s throat. The tears were automatic, but all I could do was stand there frozen with fear, crying out,

“Daddy! Daddy!…”

To this day, although my vision was blurred from my tears, I can still remember feeling my dad’s peaceful presence as he calmly stared down at the man and said,

“Is this really what God wants you to do?”

“F*** yeah! Give me my g**-d*** money!”

But without another word, my dad simply stared back into his face, and I witnessed this man go from holding a knife against my dad’s neck to crumbling down to his knees, begging for forgiveness!

“As Jesus forgives me, I forgive you.” I heard my dad say. And just like that, the man stood up and walked away as grief and gratitude simultaneously flowed from his eyes.

My dad called the cops to give them the report and have them increase patrol in the area, but I knew, ultimately, God was our protection that night and believed He would be our protection forever.

Naturally, this was a very impactful event for an eight-year-old, but there’s no doubt it was a positive defining moment in my life; I ran straight into my dad’s warm embrace that night, clenching onto the safety of his arms, but, even more, I ran forever clenching onto the safety of my Father in Heaven.

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“This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him. For he will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease. He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection.” ~ Psalm 91:2-4

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For more inspiration on living a life full of JOY, follow me on Instagram!

Until next time, always be joyful, never stop praying, be thankful in all circumstances,

Joyful JoT <3