“The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”

John 10:10

In a recent dream, my family surprised me by visiting me here in Australia. I was so happy to see them, I started bawling tears of joy. The excitement inside me was overwhelming – I couldn’t wait to show them the abundant life God has given me and David!

Everyone constantly asks if I miss my family. Now, I can say my subconscious has answered that for me – I miss them more than I can describe; more than I even consciously know myself.

Our church recently had a baby dedication. Attribute it to my female hormones, feelings of missing family, or whatever you like, but, there was no doubt, my almost uncontrollable tears during the dedication were actually probed by reflecting back on my life.

I am so grateful my parents vowed 25+ years ago to raise me in the way I should go; in accordance to God’s will.

My tears of joy and excitement in the dream, paired with those tears of joy and gratitude at the dedication. It’s such a beautiful thing to know God honored my parents’ hearts. God helped my parents raise me to the me He designed me to be; the me who was able to leave home for college 14 hours away from home as a mere 18 year old; the me who chose to trust God and follow the path that lead to my husband/best friend/love of my life; the me who was able to confidently say yes when God called us to Australia; and the me who, to this day, desires to continue in God’s will for my life– the abundant life – the best life possible for me, because it’s the life He has planned for me since before the beginning of creation.

As I looked at those kids I hardly even knew, I could see God’s favor all over them. I can’t even dream or imagine the blessings He has in store for them. I know He will be faithful in His promises for their lives just as He has been for mine.

I only pray that one day when those kids are old enough to make their own decisions, they choose to accept that gift of favor and blessing; that they too can look back on that very important day – as nonexistent in their memory as it may be – and see all the fruit that came of it. I pray they are overwhelmed with joy and gratitude for the parents that helped lay the soil, water the seed, and guide their growth toward the Light of the World, the Son of God, Jesus Christ – Emmanuel.

I know I am. Thank you, Mom and Dad. Thank you, Jesus!

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For more inspiration on living a life full of JOY, follow me on Instagram!

Until next time, always be joyful, never stop praying, be thankful in all circumstances,

Joyful JoT <3