Featured Image by: Kerrie Green

“The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.” ~ Will Ferrell “Elf”

As I write this, it is the month of May – autumn in Australia! I can’t help but feel like it’s that time of year where you can feel Christmas right around the corner with this cold weather; and even with quarantine. At least for me it honestly feels a bit like a vacation period or holiday; minus the not being able to see family and friends! Either way, my thinking is to embrace the “Christmas spirit” and spread the good cheer by reminiscing on the wonderful experiences I have had with family and friends! Hopefully you can get caught up in even just a moment of joy and hope as you read all about the lovely town of Hahndorf.


Hahndorf is one of the most charming little towns I think I have ever been to. Classified as Australia’s oldest surviving German settlement, Hahndorf is a main tourist attraction in South Australia. Of course, it’s a main Teige attraction as well! I have visited Hahndorf three times now and can’t wait to visit it a hundred more. It’s currently only about a 40-minute drive from where I live and I would plan on setting the day aside to soak up every minute – of the drive and the visit.

The drive itself is breathtaking as I’m sure I’ve mentioned before of this area… vineyards, rolling hills and paddocks filled with sheep. Turn on the tunes and set your mind on days of old; the most hospitable historic adventure awaits you!


The main street of Hahndorf is home to museums, art exhibits, jewelers, candle makers, bakeries, traditional German sweet shops, chocolatiers – including the best fudge you’ve ever tasted! – restaurants, cafés, and German-style pubs.


I owe my first Hahndorf visit to my mom’s cousin, Kerrie, and her husband, Christopher. They were making a trip through Adelaide from Queensland with their daughter, Bonnie, and asked if we’d like to join them for a visit to Hahndorf. We jumped at the invite because we had never met these relatives before, and because we had heard so much about Hahndorf.

It was such a delight! We parked in front of the tempting Chocolate @ No. 5, strolled down main street, explored the museum, and found a German restaurant where we chatted and shared a platter of German sausages, cheese, pretzels, sauerkraut, and mashed potatoes; window shopped – especially enjoying the stunning art studios and the handmade cuckoo clocks in the German Village Shop; and eventually we wondered into The Fudge Shop. This ultimately led to a difficult decision between the 40+ flavors of handmade fudge and, of course, the homemade ice cream.

My second Hahndorf adventure is owed to my friend Shelby’s visit all the way from America. She came around Christmas time and, to our pleasant surprise, the best time to visit Hahndorf!


On a weekend leading up to Christmas, “Christkindlmrkt” comes to Hahndorf. This is a European Christmas market put on by a local church in Adelaide with over 50 stalls of vendors selling many handcrafted items. There is so much talent, you could walk around for hours simply admiring it all– which we did! And, before you know it, it’s time for the 9pm Carols by Candlelight.

What an absolute spectacle! The market square is packed with people sitting in the audience– if you arrived early enough – or standing in the crowded lane, trying for the best view of the performance, while still letting the last-second-shopper-passerby walk through. All the while, the voices are rising to the heavens, above the string of Christmas lights hung overhead; it is a picture-perfect scene of the Christmas spirit. And what better setting than the beautiful little village of Hahndorf!


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Joyful Jot