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“Travel is wishing for one more bite of whatever that just was.” ~ Nick Miller

Stop right there! If you haven’t read “My Top Treats in Australia (#1)” blog post yet, don’t miss out! Quick, go now! If you don’t, you’ll always wonder what my top ranked treat in Australia is!

If you have read the prequel to this blog post, carry on…

#2. FruChocs

If you are a chocolate lover like me, and if you are a Raisinet lover like me, you are sure to love FruChocs!

FruChocs are not chocolate covered raisins, however; FruChocs are their own deliciously creative combination of chocolate and fruit – real peach and apricot fruit to be exact!

Hey, don’t knock it ‘till you try it, okay?

A visit to Australia wouldn’t count unless you tried this ‘Icon of South Australia’ anyway. In fact, FruChocs are so popular in South Australia that they have a merchandise line as well as a “FruChocs Appreciation Day” celebrated across the state on the last Friday of every August. (Who knew?)


Today, you can purchase FruChocs as Milk Chocolate, Dark Chocolate, and White Chocolate; and they’re getting even more creative with the Strawberry and Cherry FruChocs. My preference, though, is definitely the original peach and apricot in milk chocolate.

Check out the FruChocs website here! (I’m super excited to try some of those recipes!)

Does it beat America’s Raisinets? Honestly, I wouldn’t be able to decide, but my ideal trail mix would consist of something along the lines of Raisinets, FruChocs, Peanut M&Ms, and Pretzels. Mmmm…

#3. Kit Kats

Okay, I was so excited when I saw the vast array of Kit Kats on my first trip to the grocery store in Australia! There are so many more choices than in America. I think it is kind of amazing discovering the little everyday items that are different in other countries. What caught my attention right away and got me super excited was the Cookies & Cream Kit Kat!


There is also the Gold Kit Kat, which is white chocolate caramel flavor; the Caramel Pretzel Kit Kat; somehow completely different, yet just as delicious as the Gold! And last, but not least – David’s favorite – the Mint Chocolate Kit Kat! The list probably goes on, but wow A+ on the Kit Kats, Australia!

#4. Flakes

Flakes are not necessarily my favorite chocolate, but they are my mom’s! And I wanted to take this opportunity to talk about how different McDonalds is in Australia compared to America, including their use of Flakes. I don’t really eat McDonalds (actually, I don’t eat it at all) but when you’re with 3 kids who are all wanting ice cream, who turns down a free McDonalds ice cream cone? Not me, and I’m glad I didn’t because I got to have my first Australian style McDonalds ice cream cone, delicately served with a Chocolate Flake!



Chocolate Flakes are just that: chocolate flakes that are somehow holding themselves together in a little bar, which then crumbles in your mouth right as you take a bite. Possibly every chocolate lovers delight!70523549_464374837481009_7263823418854735872_n

Side note: The only other time I’ve been to McDonalds was when David and I were searching for free wifi when we first moved into our new apartment; we bought an ice coffee and a large fry to share, only to find out their wifi was down that day! Haha… either way, it turned into an adventure, because we discovered the McDonalds kiosk ordering system! Also, the sliding doors, and a secluded lounge area made for the fanciest McDonalds I’ve ever been in! Sorry though “Mackers” (as the Aussie’s call it), you still can’t win me over.

Stay tuned for My Top 5 Treats in Australia (#5), coming soon!

Thanks so much for reading! If you like this post, follow me on Instagram and Twitter, or like my page on Facebook!


Joyful Jot