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“I am not a great cook, I am not a great artist, but I love art, and I love food, so I am the perfect traveller.” ~ Sir Michael Edward Palin

#1. The Tim Tam Slam

Food is such a big part of traveling. But if you want to travel, you can’t just love food; you have to love trying new food. It’s possible you might come across plenty of food you dislike, but most the time, in my experience at least, it opens your eyes to a whole new world! The Tim Tam Slam, for example, changed our lives! And that’s why it’s ranked #1 on My Top 5 Treats in Australia. 2858468471_ab62ab96da_z

Now, I had tried Tim Tams before arriving in Australia. One of my college teammates from New Zealand introduced them to me years ago. I must admit however, Tim Tams are not my favorite cookie in the world, and I didn’t quite understand what the big deal was. . . until someone told me about the Tim Tam Slam!


Basically, a Tim Tam Slam is using a Tim Tam as a straw for a warm drink, but just enough to make the inside melt into a gooey chocolate deliciousness! It’s as simple as they say, “Bite. Sip. Slam.”


Like I mentioned, most people would say it’s necessary to use a warm drink, but when someone told us about South Australia’s most prominent drink, Farmers Union Iced Coffee (basically the best iced coffee you’ll ever have!), we decided to get creative! images.jpg

Yes, a Tim Tam Slam with Farmers Union!70550989_2521881921188312_1458234194055397376_n

To all you South Australians reading this; trust me, it works! It might not melt the chocolate filling, but it certainly still creates that gooey chocolate deliciousness with the additional enjoyment of the one and only Farmers Union! In fact, you can sip a lot longer, enjoying that marvelous iced coffee, without having to worry about that melting mess!

Tim Tam Slams are so popular in Australia that the company has actually created Tim Tams specifically designed for the Tim Tam Slam. Our personal opinion? Nothing beats the original!


“How can I get my hands on this incredible treat,” you ask?

From my last trip to America I realized the popularity of Tim Tams is slowly migrating over to the States. Probably faster now since David and I had the delight of introducing friends and family to them on our visit home. (Not to mention, changing their lives forever!)

Coming soon to your local grocery store (If not, World Market is always my go-to;).

So what are you waiting for?! Go get your Tim Tam Slam on!

To be continued…

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Joyful Jot